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The School Day

Children may arrive at school from 08:50 onwards

Many children travel to school on transport provided by the LA. Class staff greet the children, with positive comments at the main door. The children then move to the classroom where they hang up any belongings and change their shoes. Children then complete a short settling activity before free time until breakfast is ready. Children have access to toast and cereal provided by Greggs breakfast scheme. Adults and children eat breakfast together to capitalise on social times.

School begins at 09:00

The start of the day is important and expectations need to shared and understood by all.

Each class has it’s own timetable which is shared with the children. After breakfast the children will usually have free time before being called to work 1:1 with an adult.

The children’s learning is adapted to each child’s individual need and broken down into small achievable chunks. In between learning tasks the children access free time which involves the use of continuous curriculum.

Friday mornings are celebration assembly. The whole school gather in the hall to celebrate and recognise individual success over the week.

Morning break, snack and chat

Morning break and snack and chat varies according to individual class timetables. These times provide our pupils with opportunities to develop a range of social skills as well as pupils speaking and listening skills. 

We provide healthy snacks and participate in the Fruit and Vegetable scheme.

When outside the children are encouraged to be aware of keeping safe and which activities are acceptable. Activities are always supervised.

12:00 - 12:30 Lunchtime, 12:30 - 13:00 Group Time

Children may bring a packed lunch or have a hot dinner. The children eat their dinner in the classroom with the class teacher and another adult (if required) Again, this is considered an opportunity to develop appropriate social skills. At group time children have access to both inside and outdoor spaces such as, bikes, adventure playground, laptops and hall. Children are always supervised.

Afternoon registratrion is at 13:00

Children will usually start the afternoon with a story, this varies according to individual class timetables. Children will again be given opportunities to access continuous curriculum as well as complete activities 1:1 with an adult or whole class based. Children may sometimes participate in music, PE, gymnastics, basketball or swimming during the afternoon, this is again dependent on the class/school timetable.

School finishes at 15:00

Towards the end of the day, pupils are encouraged to collect their own belongings and get ready for transport. A member of staff will call each child when their transport arrives. Staff will walk each pupil out of the building to their transport.